Found 2 blog entries tagged as kona.

Pros & Cons about living in Kailua Kona, Hawaii


Aloha I am Stephen Proski with Real Estate Kailua Kona and Corcoran Pacific Properties.  Today I am going to discuss some of the Pros and Cons of Living here. 

Pros and Cons of Living in Kailua Kona

Let’s start with some of the Cons.

1.  We live on an active Volcano Island and Kilauea has been erupting for the past 35 years. In 2018 we had a major volcano eruption that cracked opened 22 fissures and destroying over 700 homes. So, deciding on where you want to live on the island could have an impact on home-owners insurance, car insurance etc.   The island is sectioned off into 9 lava zones and the area with the most concern are lava zone’s 1 & 2. 

2.   Goods and Services.   Yes, living on an island definitely has its…

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Thinking about retiring to Hawaii?  Then you need to consider Kailua Kona

Planning for retirement is a major decision and you need to make sure you have a big enough nest egg to meet your daily cost of living expenses.  We are by no means the cheapest place to retire to, nor are we the most expensive.  So here are my eight reasons why you want to retire in Kona, Hawaii. 

Retiring In Kona, Hawaii



  1.     Home prices here can range from $300,000 for a one bedroom condo to $30,000,000 plus for a luxury estate.  Yes, we have something for just about everyone.  We’ve seen people moving  here from west coast cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle sell their homes, take their proceeds and pay cash for properties here in Kailua Kona.


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